The Teacher’s Gallery is inviting all Filipino educators to join the upcoming 5th Filipino Educators’ Global Learning Initiative in California, USA this October 20 – 29, 2019. This EdTour program aims to provide a platform for educators to benchmark and learn new ideas and models that they can use to improve their own classroom setting.

This 10-day Global EdTour program includes school visits within the Santa Clara Unified School District and a 4-day West Coast Cultural Tour.
This program is exclusively offered to TTG Power Club members.

For application and inquiries, please send us a message or connect with us through Facebook.
Day 1: Travel to San Francisco, California
Day 2: Silicon Valley and Factory Outlet Shopping
Day 3 – 5: School Visits
Day 6 – 9: West Coast Cultural R&R
Day 10: Travel back to Manila
Application Procedures:
- Power Club Membership.
- Submit the following to
- accomplished Return Entry Action Plan proposal
- recommendation letter from immediate supevisor
- scanned copy of faculty ID, passport and visa (if applicable)
- Upon approval of proposal, pay the reservation fee of 500 USD and send the accomplished DS-160 form.
- Prepare visa application requirements.
- Pay B1/B2 visa fee of PHP 8,640 (or more depending on exchange rate) to any BPI branch.
- Attend the visa coaching orientation by The Teacher’s Gallery.
- Be present during the embassy interview.
- Upon visa approval, pay the required EdTour program participation fee.
- Note: For DepEd employees: Submit a copy of approved travel permit from DepEd Central Office
- Attend the pre-travel orientation covering the US immigration interview, detailed itinerary, dress code, and items to bring.
- Learn and enjoy with your peers! ☺