Treats for Teachers

Treats for Teachers

“A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.” – Ever Garrison

As we celebrate the National Teachers’ Month this September 2018, the National Teachers’ Month Coordinating Council posted activities for teachers as “10 Acts of Gratitude.” If you are a teacher, make sure to bookmark these exciting activities made especially for you this month!

1. Educational Tours in Museums for FREE

Have extraordinary experiences through free entrances on the following museums for the whole month of National Teachers’ Month:

2. 39th Manila International Book Fair (September 12-16, 2018)

Teachers visiting the Book Fair will be granted entrance for free at the Hall 1 in SMX Convention Center in Pasay City. The annual event is one of the country’s biggest book events and will not just include the usual genre of books but will also include book launches, signings, dialogues with our co-readers!

3. Power of A Teacher’s Heart Wellness Seminar-Workshop

Did you know that The Teacher’s Gallery is gearing up for our upcoming Wellness Seminar with the world-renowned Keynote Speaker Dr. Adam L. Saenz, who is also the author of “The Power of A Teacher’s Heart.” The workshop is a combination of mindfulness practices and a wellness guide developed by Adam Saenz, a psychologist and therapist and most importantly, an advocate for maximizing teacher impact in the classroom.

Learn more by clicking here. 

4. And other Seminar Conferences for Teachers

Teachers are invited to attend a 3-day lecture about topics on cyber-education that will be facilitated by SEAMEO INNOTECH, Smart Communications, Globe Telecom, and World Vision. There will also be 300 teachers invited to a FREE 3-day Alternative National Seminar Conference: “Educator’s Life Care Conversation, Artshop, and Playshop Conference” hosted by Government Service Insurance System (GSIS).

Any suggestions of topics/interests to cover on our website? Comment below. Post with kindness.

Early Childhood Educators Convened for Inclusion Strategies

Early Childhood Educators Convened for Inclusion Strategies

Last August 17-19, 2018, The Teacher’s Gallery convened early childhood educators to discuss Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) and share techniques in classroom to accommodate diverse learners. The workshop-seminar was held at Tagaytay International Convention Center. 

Keynote speaker, Ms. Andrea Stavrakas, MA, welcomed the audiences by explaining the basic concepts and core considerations of DAP which revolved around the discourse that no students are alike. Hence, it’s crucial to understand differences of children – further discussing the various principles of child development, and guidelines for effective teaching. Ms. Stavrakas was then followed by Ms. Amcy Esteban elaborating the framework for teaching that is grounded on research on child development and learning which seeks to promote optimal learning and development. While Session 4 & 5 ponder with the topics of Effective Teaching and Curriculum: DAP and Intentionality and Bringing the DAP: Child Assessment and Relationship with Families facilitated by Ms. Jagilen Dela Cruz, participants were shown video clips of international early childhood development practices to emphasize how the strategies work. 


To cap off the first day, educators participated in the Karaoke Night of the Evening Socials and got to know each other more. Most of the karaoke singers even exceeded the standing ovation through creative paraphrasing of the lyrics to show their passion in teaching. 

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, we should teach the way they learn.” – Mai Roble

The 2nd day first speaker Ms. Michelle Sevilla highlighted the importance of assessment as a developmental screening used to assess the needs of the child and proper classroom-based assessment. In the next session, Ms. Andrea Stavrakas explains the Developmental Characteristics of Children at Different Ages and Practices that are most appropriate for children each age. Next speaker, Ms. Mai Roble presented Child and Adult Guided Experiences which are about the flexible teaching strategies through creativity, building blocks, copying and transferring learning – emphasizing on “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, we should teach the way they learn.”After a quick break, Ms. Andrea Stavrakas expounded more on the Differentiating Instructions – Why & How.

Mr. Gerry Rivas clarified the difference of instructions in Early Math, the Impact of Excessive Screen Time on Development and Well Being. To wrap up the day, Ms. Andrea Stavrakas focused on how educators can help the struggling readers in the inclusive classroom. 

The last session during day 3 emphasized about the Strategies that work: Classroom Looping – when a teacher moves with a group of students to the next grade instead of sending them to a new teacher which has the potential to provide that consistency that is critical for attachment; one of the benefits of classroom looping is students feel comfortable talking to their teachers as a trusted mentor, and will often share stories that most students would not typically share their teacher. In result, this practices developed a high level of caring and respect in their classrooms. 

To conclude the 3-day seminar-workshop, participants were asked to do a photo-op per region with the invited resource persons.