What’s Happening?


Inclusive and quality education for ALL.


The Philippine Network for Inclusive Education (PNIE) aims to fulfill inclusive education for Filipino children with disabilities and other children being discriminated due to religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and socio-economic status through the development and implementation of responsive inclusive education policies and practices from the national down to the local level and by strengthening the capacity of education stakeholders in its application.

Our Story

The Philippine Network for Inclusive Education (PNIE) was formed after the International Leadership Summit in Inclusive Education organized by The Teacher’s Gallery and the Index for Inclusion Workshop last February 2017. PNIE is a newly formed network composed of Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs), academia, advocate groups and organization that is supported by the National Council for Disability Affairs Office (NCDA) and donor funded programs such as the Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) Program and The Asia Foundation – Fully Abled Nation (TAF-FAN). The establishment of this network is a big step towards implementation of inclusive education at the national-level, for PNIE operates as the network that can be tapped to provide input from the disability sector and other marginalized groups about inclusive education and related policies and practices.

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Use this space as a learning resource center and a knowledge sharing platform.

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